Thursday, 26 May 2011

Rise and Shine!

The children are up, dressed and ready for a new day. They are about to have their breakfast and then it's wellies on for the rock pools. We'll post some pictures up of todays events later today, but meanwhile here are a few more from yesterday.

TeamTech robot design

The children had fun playing Hotspots, a giant Twister game.


  1. hi boys hope your having a great time bet you both have missed me since the minute you left. While you 2 are busy enjoying all the fun activities just stop for one second and just think about me having to suffer through our french lesson tomorrow. It is quiet in the house without you so I get 10 minutes to myself without being interrupted.Im missing you (A BIT) and see you on friday

  2. Hi Everyone

    Looks like you are all having a cool time!!! Can't wait to see the next lot of photo's. Lexi can't wait to hear what adventures you have had.
    Have fun!!
    See you Friday
    Julie Wallace(Lexi's mum)

  3. hi daniel looks like you are having a good time looking at the pictures of you, see you friday mum xx
